Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Boston vs NYC: Duking out the Greatest Rivalry Since Cain and Abel

As I mentioned in my first post, I'm a born-and-bred Masshole who moved to New York City a couple of years ago. I've been lucky enough to spend my life in the best cities in MA and NY, and don't even try to argue otherwise. Neither Worcester nor Albany could hold a birthday-cake-candle to Boston and NYC. Conversely, Worcester and Albany don't argue like bratty step-siblings about everything (*ahem* Boston and NYC). Whether it be sports, public transit, or famous food, these cities and their inhabitants can't seem to agree on the right way to do anything, because of course 'our' way is always best. 

Both cities have special spots in my heart (only the Boston spot bleeds when one of our sports teams loses, but more on that later). Like all things, Boston and ze Big Apple each have a plethora of pros and cons, so I'm gonna hash out the pluses (+) and minuses (--) for my favorite metropolises. 


+Riding the swan boats and climbing all over the Make Way for Ducklings statues in Boston Common is a rite-of-passage for any Masshole kid (or adult-- the fun transcends age and "maturity").
+Boston and MA as a whole have some of the richest histories in the country. In fact, the Founding Fathers heard Paul Revere's warning from their Massachusetts homes. And they definitely weren't tossing tea into the Gulf of Mexico.

Swan Boats at the Public Garden
Yours truly with the Ducklings statues
--Driving or even walking through Boston requires a compass and whistle for when I inevitably get lost, have to hug a mailbox, and shout for help.The subway doesn't run all night, and when it is running, the MBTA finds some way to make life difficult (three hour delays anyone?). 
--Reasonably priced parking near any desirable location? Dream on. It's usually an expensive nightmare, and especially annoying when you kill your rental car’s battery in the $22/hour Prudential parking lot and don't have your AAA card. Not that that ever happened to me at midnight a couple days before Christmas... 

+I don’t have to drive! Hallelujah for my wallet because my insurance costs are higher than Snoop Dogg was in the 90's. The extensive subway system and your feet can take you everywhere [worth going]; far away areas of Queens and the Bronx need not apply.
+New York has a definite magnetism. Be it Rockefeller Plaza at Christmas, or the East Village on a random Friday night, New York draws you in. Listening to some Frank Sinatra and walking to Grand Central Station creates a better high than any drug (crack is whack, stay in school). 
Walk this way to public transit.
--It usually reeks in New York, and it's pretty inescapable. Pray for a perpetual sinus infection to be spared from the NYC stench.
--The Yankees. Enough said. #ReversedTheCurse2004

The Big Apple and Boston aren't always at odds with one another, in fact they have a fair amount of common ground. Both these cities are home to nasty rivers-- NYC's East River is a glorified body dumping ground (I've never seen one, but Law&Order SVU would suggest otherwise). And in Boston, the Charles is still toxic, even after all the cleaning attempts over the decades.
NYC and Boston can boast intensely prideful inhabitants (I <3 NY and #BostonStrong, anyone?), and we effing love our sports teams.

Dunks of the Day
Large Vanilla Iced Coffee. 6 Splendas. Not enough caffeine.
America and I run on Dunks


  1. Having visited NYC before, this now makes me want to visit Boston now to compare!

  2. NYC is a lot flashier but it does have the stench. Personally i prefer boston due to the fact that it feels more open.

  3. Masshole for life!

  4. Are you still a Boston Sports fan?

    1. Did we win this year's Super Bowl? I'll never give up my New England teams, too much love and pride there

  5. I like New York as a city a bit more, it just feels more organized and less cramped.

  6. Do you think NYC is more navigable than Boston?

    1. Absolutely. And as the least directionally-savvy person ever, I really appreciate it

  7. This makes me want to visit again!! I'm very entertained and i enjoyed the way that you write.

    1. Thanks! And travel is good for the soul, I fully recommend it

  8. Splenda serving size is one packet be careful of excess artificial sugar intake

    1. Thanks, I should really cut down; I'm probably mummifying my intestines with it

  9. Totally feel you on parking at the Prudential!!!! Paid over 50 bucks for five hours

    1. It really is The Nightmare of Boston parking

  10. New York is nice to visit especially in spring, but I would never want to live there. Boston has Fenway Park, so we win right there. But NYC does have a lot more diverse people and smells.

  11. Both are nice to visit and spend big bucks, but not enough living space for me.

  12. DUDE you used a Bible reference as a metaphor omg
